Liturgical Ministers
Date Usher Lectors Intercessor Chalice Acolyte Coffee Hour
Sep. 3 Bill Stapleton Jim and Robert Shaw - Jonathan Edens
Sep. 10 Watina Judi and Carson Janet - Abby Granger
Sep. 17 Robert Bill S and Tonya Robert - Shawn Frodge
Sep. 24 Bill Blackmon Janet and Bill B Carson - Watina Peters
Oct. 1* Bill Stapleton Jim and Janet Bill B Paul Watina Potluck!
Oct. 8 Watina Carson and Bill S Jim Gerry Jonathan Rosenvold
Oct. 15 Robert Judi and Tonya Bill S Shawn Abby Stapleton
Oct. 22 Bill B Janet and Bill B Tonya Watina Gerry Sweet
Oct. 29 Bill S Jim and Robert Watina Watina Jonathan Cox
*Fr. McKenzie's first time celebrating the Eucharist!
Sep. 3 Bill Stapleton Jim and Robert Shaw - Jonathan Edens
Sep. 10 Watina Judi and Carson Janet - Abby Granger
Sep. 17 Robert Bill S and Tonya Robert - Shawn Frodge
Sep. 24 Bill Blackmon Janet and Bill B Carson - Watina Peters
Oct. 1* Bill Stapleton Jim and Janet Bill B Paul Watina Potluck!
Oct. 8 Watina Carson and Bill S Jim Gerry Jonathan Rosenvold
Oct. 15 Robert Judi and Tonya Bill S Shawn Abby Stapleton
Oct. 22 Bill B Janet and Bill B Tonya Watina Gerry Sweet
Oct. 29 Bill S Jim and Robert Watina Watina Jonathan Cox
*Fr. McKenzie's first time celebrating the Eucharist!
Liturgical Ministries

The following is a list of the various liturgical ministries that form integral parts of our corporate worship each week. Most of them require only the desire to serve, plus a little training. Please contact the Parish Office with any questions (606-248-6450; [email protected]).
- Parish Choir are leaders in the liturgy, helping to support the prayer of the community in music, leading the congregation in their vocal responses, and glorifying God through song. St. Mary's choir doesn't require an audition and is open to anybody. It rehearses (typically) on Thursday evenings and on Sunday mornings right before the liturgy.
- Acolytes also assist the priest with the liturgy, by bearing the Cross in processions, by helping to lead processions, and by assisting with the offertory (when the offering of bread, wine, and money is brought to the Altar). This ministry is open to anybody, and requires a little training.
- Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest during Holy Communion, bringing the chalice to the faithful. This ministry does require training, and requires a license from the diocese. Speak to Father Chris if you are interested in this vital ministry.
- Lectors read the Word of God on Sunday mornings. One lector will read the portion from the Hebrew Scriptures, and another lector will read the portion from the Epistles (the parts of the New Testament that aren't Gospels). This simply requires a clear, strong speaking voice, the ability to read, and the desire to speak God's word in our worship.
- Intercessors help to lead the congregation in prayer during the Prayers of the People. This important role of leadership guides the congregation the portion of the liturgy when we bring our intentions before God. There are several set prayers, and opportunities exist to compose your own. This ministry requires a little training.
- Ushers greet people at the door and welcome newcomers and guests, answering questions, explaining worship resources like our prayer book and hymnals, and letting people know where the restrooms and child-care can be found! Ushers are a vital part of our hospitality
- Oblationers fulfill a simple yet important role in the liturgy. They bring the bread and wine to the Altar during the offertory, representing the entire people of God bringing forward their gifts to be transformed by God.